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2023 Categories

The 2023 Award Categories are listed below.

  • Provide evidence to support every claim you make.  Evidence should be, where possible, robust and independent. 
  • Do not submit the same, untailored entry to every category. 
  • Do not submit marketing or promotional materials. 

All entrants to any of the below categories MUST include: 

  • A summary of the submission. 
  • An explanation of the contribution it has made or could make to the AD industry, and why it was outstanding. 
  • Robust and verifiable evidence to document the claims being made. 
  • Multiple entries are welcome, but every entry should be specific to the entered category.

Deadline Expired: 20th of January 2023, 23:59.


This award will recognize those exemplary companies, technology providers or sites that help protect personnel, the environment and plant infrastructure and, in the process, the reputation of the industry. This Award is to encompass all aspects of Staff health, safety and wellbeing. This is to reward initiative, management, programs and structure that keeps the employees wellbeing, morale, safety and health at an exemplary standard. 

Entry Criteria 

The Health and Safety Award will be given to the AD plant, technology provider, company or organization that exemplifies excellence in the management of health and safety risks and the promotion of an all-round health, safety and wellbeing culture.  

The judges will need to see evidence of: 

  1. Measurable health, safety and environmental objectives set across the operation 
  2. How the management system is structured and communicated (i.e., a timetable of routine HSE meetings, to refresh and update measures)  
  3. Staff involvement in devising the program, initiative or management 
  4. Any examples of the safety, health or wellbeing management system preventing an incident, measurably increasing wellbeing or having an positive impact on the staff. 

Who should enter?

  • Biogas technology and equipment suppliers from personal gas monitors to lightning protection consultants and individuals  
  • Plant developers  
  • Operations and maintenance companies  
  • Individual sites  
  • Any other businesses adopting or implementing health, safety and wellbeing best practice in the anaerobic digestion industry. 


Here at ADBA and WBA, we encourage gender diversity. The Women in Biogas Award is about recognizing the achievements of women in a sector where women are substantially underrepresented. 

The Women in Biogas Award recognizes and rewards the achievements of women working within the biogas industry, with the aim of raising the profile of biogas as an attractive career path and inspiring others to enter the industry as well as encouraging excellence. 

Entry Criteria

To nominate a woman for this award, please supply: 

  1. A brief CV 
  2. Details of the role performed 
  3. 300-word summary of how this employee has made a difference to the performance of the business. This could be related to a change in culture or operational practice that has increased efficiency, or by simply being brilliant and innovative in an aspect of biogas that has taken the business to another level. 

Who should enter?

Any woman involved in any aspect of biogas development, from design through to process and operation. 


We want to know about any individual, project, organization or company making an outstanding contribution to the development of anaerobic digestion in the UK or global biogas industry. 

Entry Criteria 

  1. Provide a 300-word summary of how the nominated person/project has contributed to the development of anaerobic digestion and biogas in the UK or internationally, quantifying if at all possible the value of that contribution. 

Who should enter?
Any individual/project making an outstanding contribution to the development of AD in the UK or global AD industry. You can nominate someone from within your own business or another organization. 

Open to any person, company or team providing outstanding professional support to the anaerobic digestion and biogas industry.  

Entries should ideally come from those who have been the recipients of outstanding support, rather than those providing it, or be accompanied by testimonials from the recipients. 

Entry Criteria 

  1. A summary of what support was provided, and why it was outstanding and any relevant data or information to support this  
  2. Any difficulties or challenges that the support provider addressed and helped to overcome  
  3. Two testimonials outlining why the entrant should win this award 

Who should enter?

  • Technical, legal and accounting consultants 
  • Finance 
  • PPA Providers 
  • Academics 

Open to any person, company or team providing outstanding support to the anaerobic digestion and biogas industry from the O&M Process.  

Entries should ideally come from those who have been the recipients of outstanding support, rather than those providing it, or be accompanied by testimonials from the recipients. 

Entry Criteria 

  • A summary of what support was provided, and why it was outstanding and any relevant data or information to support this  
  • Any difficulties or challenges that the support provider addressed and helped to overcome  
  • Two testimonials outlining why the entrant should win this award 

Who should enter?

  • Anaerobic digestion designers, builders, developers, operators 
  • Technology and equipment suppliers 
  • Food and drink businesses 
  • Waste management companies 

The IEA says AD sits at the heart of the circular economy, recycling organic wastes and serving to reduce food waste. The outputs serve to reduce the carbon footprint of heat supply, transport, agriculture, food manufacture and wastewater treatment.  

We want to hear about any person, company or team in the value chain who can demonstrate how they have closed the loop, turning waste into a product. 

To deliver global net zero targets, we need carbon negative technologies. AD, coupled with CCU technology, can deliver this. 

Entry Criteria 

The judges will need to see evidence of: 

  1. How the AD operation delivers a closed loop system, minimizing the use of virgin materials 
  2. Evidence will need to show feedstock supply and off-takers for products; biomethane/electricity, bio-CO2, and biofertilizer e.g., domestic food waste delivering a local heat network or biomethane as transport fuel, food manufacturer utilizing all four outputs, manures and slurries powering cheese production. Ideally, additional evidence on maximizing resource efficiency across the operation would be welcome 


Candidates will need to demonstrate how their operation is delivering net zero:  

  1. Evidence of steps taken and controls to prevent fugitive emissions. Use of all outputs from the AD facility – biogas, bio-fertiliser, bio-CO2 Innovative steps to reduce indirect impacts – i.e., pumping digestate to lagoons to avoid transportation  
  2. Innovative steps taken to mitigate/offset GHG emissions – such as private wires, local heat networks, biomethane-fueled logistics, use of CO2 in growing. 

Who should enter?

  • Local authorities with separate food waste collections, delivering electricity/biogas for heat and/or public transport 
  • Food manufacturers deploying biogas to reduce the carbon foot print of their products 
  • Fleet managers for deploying RNG fueled trucks 
  • AD operators who have enabled the above 
  • An AD facility that has deployed CCU 
  • CO2 supply chain offtakers (Biocarbonics) 
  • Food manufacturers deploying AD to decarbonise logistics fleet, heat and capturing CO2 to carbonate products 

We want to know about any campaign, public engagement or outreach program making an outstanding contribution to the education of anaerobic digestion or Biogas, within a country or globally. 

Entry Criteria 

To nominate a campaing for this award, please supply: 

  1. 300-word summary of how this campaign contributed to outreach and education of AD and Biogas to wider society within a region, nation or international. Where the idea astarted and what impact it had as an outcome.  
  2. Link to the education campaign to be viewed/experienced 

Who should enter?

Any individual, organization or company who has actively launched an education, campaign, outreach program or public engagement.


Open to any AD plant worldwide that is 1MWe-equivalent or smaller in capacity.

Entry Criteria 

  1. Please provide a short statement as to why this plant is better than other plants equal to or smaller in capacity than 1MWe-equivalent 
  2. Please provide an explanation of the feedstock, process, outputs and main technologies used, an outline business case as well as the objectives and criteria for success.  
  3. How the plant makes the most of its feedstock, biogas and digestate and if appropriate the benefits delivered to the business with supporting data/information.  
  4. Details of any specific challenges that you overcame in the development of this plant.  

Who should enter?

Worldwide AD Plants 1MWe-equivalent or smaller in capacity. 


Open to any AD plant worldwide that is above 1MWe -equivalent in capacity.

Entry Criteria 

  1. Word summary – Explanation of the feedstock, process, outputs and main technologies used, an outline business case as well as the objectives and criteria for success. How the plant makes the most of its feedstock, biogas and digestate and if appropriate the benefits delivered to the business with supporting data/information. Details of any specific challenges that you overcame in the development of this plant.  
  2. A short statement as to why this plant is better than other plants above capacity than 1MWe-equivalent  

Who should enter?

Worldwide AD Plants above 1MWe -equivalent in capacity.

Open to any organization, person or company that has enabled the development of micro-AD plants, locally, nationally, internationally or globallyThis could be through investment, the dissemination of knowledge, research, lobbying or support service.

Entry Criteria 

  1. A summary of the initiative, how it has led to the development of Micro-AD plants and the impact of the initiative. 
  2. Details of any specific challenges that were overcame in the development of the Mirco AD initiative. 
  3. Any further supporting data/information. 


Additional information the judges will be looking for:   

  1. Explanation of the feedstock, process, outputs and main technologies used, an outline business case as well as the objectives and criteria for success.   
  2. Clear statements of differentiation. This may involve: Details about how the plant makes the most of its feedstock, biogas and digestate and if appropriate the benefits delivered to the business with supporting data/information  
  3. Details of the feedstock, efficiency of the digester, and how this project efficiently utilises the products the digester produces with supporting data/information.   
  4. Details of any specific challenges that you overcame in the development of this plant. A statement as to why this digester is better than other microdigesters 

Who should enter?

Open to any organization, person or company that has enabled the development of micro-AD plants, locally, nationally, internationally or globally. This could be through investment, the dissemination of knowledge, research, lobbying or support service.

This award recognizes an individual who is under 30 in the industry has made an outstanding contribution to the development of anaerobic digestion and biogas in the UK or globally; this could be on the technical, operational, support, or indeed social media/ communications side. 

Entry Criteria 
This award will be judged by reference to the following information:

  1. A 300-word summary of how the nominated individual has contributed to the development of biogas and anaerobic digestion in the UK or elsewhere, quantifying if possible, the value of that contribution 
  2. Any relevant data or information to support this  
  3. Two testimonials outlining why the individual should win this award 
  4. Any difficulties or challenges the individual addressed and helped to overcome  
  5. Statement that the individual is under 30 at the time of application 

Who should enter?

Any individual, under 30 years old, making an outstanding contribution to the development of anaerobic digestion and biogas in the UK or globally. You can nominate an individual either in your own business or in another organization. 

This award recognizes an individual/organization/company/educational body in the industry that has made an outstanding contribution to the development of anaerobic digestion and biogas in the UK or globally through innovation or research. 

Entry Criteria 
This award will be judged by reference to the following information:

  1. A 300-word summary of how the nominee has contributed to the development of biogas and anaerobic digestion in the UK or elsewhere, quantifying if possible, the value of that contribution 
  2. Any relevant data or information to support this  
  3. Any difficulties or challenges the individual addressed and helped to overcome  

Who should enter?

Any Individual/company/organization/education body making an outstanding contribution to the development of anaerobic digestion and biogas in the UK or globally through innovation or research. You can nominate an individual either in your own business or in another organization. 

Deadline to Enter: 13th of January 2023

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